I've got a couple of projects on at the moment, but they're too huge, so I thought I'd just make a little morph for shits and giggles with you guys.
I love doing this stuff, just taking one picture and inbetweening it to the next one until it's smooth.
Screw storylines, just morphs.
If it was up to me this would be all that was ever broadcast... no news, no reality tv, just morphing gifs.
What a wonderful world!
Tell me a story about a phone, a walrus, a piano and a piece of celery, that ends in tears.
DO IT!! :O
Wally Walrus was on the phone to his girlfriend, a piece of celery. He wanted so much for her to get that abortion they'd been talking about.
As he sat in the dim light of his 2 room apartment he thought to himself "What the fuck was I thinking having intercourse with a living vegetable?". Later that summer, Celina Celery gave birth to one of the most gifted beings ever known to man kind.
Years later, tears would roll slowly down Wally's face as he sat in the front row at his son's piano concert. "I am smarter than a 5th Grader".
The End.
TheBoogley (Updated )
Poor old Wally, I think there's something in that for all of us.
Especially YOU, Jesus.