I'm still messing around with optical illusions and creating examples of basic design principles which play with perception.
I've created a Twitter account too, follow me for updates of stuff I make and great animations and artwork I see! http://twitter.com/TheBoogley
Here's a clip messing around with using isometric projection to create the illusion of space and form, pretty basic concept, but I think that's what makes it so nice to look at.
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/b1 6734aca0a04862d952a11b46c8a9ee
All this messing around with basic shapes and forms has got me thinking about and watching loads of old sesame street stuff from when I was a kid. They used heaps of optical illusions and gestalt theory to open kid's perceptions up and it was awesome!
I imagine you've all seen the pinball number count, I can watch it over and over again, I was obsessed with it when I was little.
The music was by Walt Kraemer, with The Pointer Sisters singing the numbers. The animation was directed by Jeff Hale for his production company, with a bunch of animators working on it, including Ernie Fosselius.
While I was just reading up on it I saw that the sesame street competition on animboom was won by an italian company which remade the clip in stop motion. I can't believe I missed seeing it and want to see it SOO BAAADDDD now. It's a shame the competition wasn't won by someone making something new though...
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Just to show you how freaky the 70's and 80's sesame street clips are, here's one in hebrew. When watched in a language you don't understand they seem like they have some sort of hidden meaning, like political propaganda.
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And seeing as we're watching freaky stuff, have you seen this? The movements are totally dreamlike, they remind me of when I'm trying to run in a dream and my limbs feel really heavy, numb and slow, or like I'm slowly falling.
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Anyways, enough of all that.
Here's another piece I've just made. It's an example of an unstable figure, when looked at as a still image it alternates between looking like a cube and like three interwoven logs. I'm trying to animate them to both show the illusion, make my classes more interesting, and to see if I can learn some new freaky moves to use in later films.
okay, I love you, bye bye