Volstok Telefunken are a "motion faktorie", and they have been pumping out these cute clips of monsters getting around town. There are at least 91 of them, and I'm hooked.
WAIT!! What the hell is that red guy doing to her finger?! :O
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how about this one?
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I uploaded a new movie a few days ago about pants... I suggest you watch it.
I made a part for goatman's latest fresh collaboration... I suggest you smell the freshness?
What I'd love to see is a pair of trex's in a ring boxing each other. You'd have to tie their mouths shut so that they can't bite each other, or maybe even strap them into braces like they had for hannibal lecter in silence of the lambs. But imagine the hilarity, they'd be just like a couple of namby pamby girly men slapping away at each other with their crappy little arms.
Your little creatures draw me in everytime...
TheBoogley (Updated )
My little creatures draw you?! :O