THANKS TO YOU GUYS I HAVE HAD A BIRTHDAY!! I am now 30, a quality vintage!
Some of the best people on this site (and one arsehole) made stuff for me to help celebrate!
Stalagmite sang me an acapella song which starts out spooky then gets a funky grind on!
MasterAardvark put together a supergenius piece of death cake action :D
Hulalaoo made Insane Boogley, a classic Hulalaoo violent epic in which I take on the newgrounds office which is currently on the front page!
mrnihil made me a clip with a freaky mouse which is so damned stylish I nearly gave up animation and joined the army.
MrAbnormal made me an innuendo filled visual feast of a gift with some sensual film times
eammy drew this, though he'll probably deny it if you ask him
Rutger made this bipolar freakout which hurts your mind after a short while
farfenwaffle made another moodswing inspired animated loop. I'm beginning to think that everyone around here thinks that I'm insane :3
I forgot to mention that iamweird made this bit of super large filesize madness :)
Luis (the arsehole) morphed me into a piece of shit! :D
So, obviously all of you have seen adventure time, yes?
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Pendleton Ward is the creator and I found this other video by him which is pure gold. Adventure Time is coming out as a series early next year. There is a production blog for the show that I've been watching and it's looking fantastic with the same energy and imagination as the original.
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here's another thing he made, one that's closer to the kind of thing I love making
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okay, so here's your loop...
Happiest of birthdays. You're old now.
old is as old does, and I just wet my adult diaper.