Hello Newgrounds, I trust you've all had good christmas' and newyears times, I know I did. It was actually nice to not feel the need to draw all the time for a couple of weeks. I've been renovating the house and now finally have a lounge room and a fence which isn't falling down, and one more week of freedom before I'm back to work. It's hot as hell here in Melbourne at the moment, 40 something degrees celcius, which must be about a million farenheit.
Anyways, who give a hairy left testicle about that, let's watch some mother flipping cartoons
Okay we'll start with a good one, Plastic Man looks like a fantastic show and the Jack Cole comics are incredible
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and to follow that up more recently a pilot was made for a new version through warner brothers, I can't believe they didn't take it on, it's GREAT! "feel the long arm of the law you no good goon!"
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And now for the crap, here's Street Frogs. The hippingest hoppingest frogs around!
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The Poddington Peas, I really like the look of this one!
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Rocket Robin Hood the late sixties were not the most creative time for childrens cartoons...
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You never know I might just finish the second sketchy friends dance clip by the end of this week, but I'm not sure if I have the guts.
M-Shack has a new collaborative morphing collaboration starting up, click here to check out the forum. I've made a part for it, click here to see it.
Oh, and here's a new walk sequence I've just finished of a zombie pickle
Love the ending animation ;)