You are my new favourite!!
I have FAVOURITED you... that makes you my NEW fave-our-ite!
You are my new favourite!!
I have FAVOURITED you... that makes you my NEW fave-our-ite!
What an honor! :D
This is great!
You did this back in 06'?
What are you doing now?
Im concentrating on my illustrating at the moment. Im also doing a few cheapy animations to get all my ideas out of my head. they'l appear at some point or another as soon as I shine them up to a point I'm not embarrased with them.
Beautiful work... as far as room for improvement goes, I think you're just going to keep getting better as you continue working... naturally... nature taking it's course... and all that. Thanks for the giggles.
thank you very much
Uh ba Sna fli!
I is lost fer words... My pants are wet, my sides are split, and when I look to my left I see me, beside myself with laughter!!! XD
Great work!
Beautiful style, animation and characterisation... but nothing of any real entertainment value happened in the story... which is why the score isn't right up there with the best of them. I don't know... I loved it and can't wait to see your next work. :D
Boogley!! I'm well aware of your work, i consider it an honour to have a review by you!! :D
Yep this animation was a bit of a mess...
Great stuff!
You animate so well... you bastard. Jealousy is building up inside me... ARGH!!
wow thankyou :D
Lets go get lost, lets go get lost...
Your smiling eyes ARE just a mirror for the son, BornToByte! Great work! A strong, consistant style, and you kept with the slow dreamlike quality of the song. Some slow scrolling backgrounds would've worked really well with this too. :)
The SUN was YELLOW and ORANGE and FUNNY!! :3
Whoopie! :3 DaBoogley gave me a 10 :P
Animation is the imagination laid bare for all to see, our own personal constructed realities shared with others, story telling in it's purest form, or just a bunch of funny shit drawn for people to laugh their arses off to. It's all good.
Age 45, Male
illustrator Designer
Melbourne Australia
Joined on 8/5/07